Advantages and Disadvantages of Training Methods & Industry Experience

Advantages & Disadvantages of On the job training and Off the job training


There are advantages as well as disadvantages in both methods. Employer must identify their requirement and must guide their employees for the correct training method to get the optimal outcome. Figure 4.0 will give more details on the situation between these two theories.


Fig 1.0: Advantages and Disadvantages of On the Job Training and Off the Job Training.

Source - (Schmidt, S 2007)


Future of Trainings

Corporate training is beneficial for both the company and its employees. Not only will people learn new skills and improve existing ones, but the best training also boosts morale and improves retention rates. The workplace is consistently changing and so is the way that employees are being trained (Mason,E 2020). Artificial intelligence, Virtual & augmented reality, Individualized trainings, Micro-learnings and Soft skills are some techniques of modern trainings. By considering the advantages and disadvantages of most of the companies have moved to a new training platform through e-learning facilities. Due to the rapid change of technology organizations tend to move to this platform rather than traditional training methods (Mason,E 2020).  



E-learning is known as computer based educational tool or system that enables people to learn anywhere and at anytime. Video 1.0 describes that the term “e-learning” refers to the delivery of education and training through digital resources. Technology has advanced so much that the geographical gap is bridged. Employees can use anywhere of the world to experience training sessions created by the relevant employer, whereas the corporate world rapidly moving to the new era of training methods.

Video 1.0 - E-learning

Source - (Oxford home study centre,2020)


LMS is a system where most of the company’s are currently using to develop there training methods. Video 2.0 elaborate the use of LMS for the corporate word to enhance their quality of training for the employees.

Video 2.0 - LMS

Source - (iSpring, 2019)


Industry experience on traditional learning & e-learning

Singer Sri Lanka PLC is one of the largest consumer durable industries in Sri Lanka, where more than 3800 employees currently working under Singer. Company has invested largely on developing infrastructure and created new learning methods to its employees (Singer Annual Report, 2019/2020).

In the past company is spending more time on physical training sessions and this has led the company to spend annually a big amount of money. Even after doing traditional trainings and analyse the expenses and the results, the company has identified a gap between these two elements. Therefore, the company has decided to move from the traditional trainings to a new way of learning method through technology where both parties are benefit. The company has created a Learning Management System to employees, even though there is no sign of COVID-19 pandemic in the world. This was helped the company to perform there normal training sessions and even motivate the employees by using the apps and other materials through LMS.



iSpring, 2019, <>.

Mason, E 2020,The future of corporate training.

Oxford home study centre,2020, <>.

Schmidt, S 2007, The relationship between satisfaction with workplace training, Willie online library.

Singer Sri Lanka PLC, Annual Report, 2019/2020.


  1. Widespread access to computers and the Internet provides a cheap, efficient, and customizable means of delivering training. Using the Internet or a corporate intranet, employees can, at least in theory, take training whenever and wherever they want. This benefit can reduce training costs because employees can learn at their workplaces without having to travel to a central training site. Training can also be individualized so that trainees see only the material they need rather than having to sit through a presentation on material they already know. Taken together, these benefits make training more efficient (Strewart and Brown, 2011).

    1. Corporate workplaces seek the most effective ways to deliver training to their employees. Many companies have moved to an online version of training as it is generally considered to be more cost-effective, but in reality, not all training transitions to e-learning deliver economic advantages to companies (Strother, 2002).

  2. Training is a very costly investment. Consequently, research and development on training to optimize its effectiveness and efficiency is critical. In Forbes magazine, Mary Crane (2006) reported that “the employee-training market may be worth some $109 billion in the U.S.” As there is no single method to deliver training, trainers continue to search for the best method to present targeted information to trainees. With the ever-changing technological advances of time and the continual development of learning theories, there are now more options than ever before in how train people ( Kolomitro and Lam, 2013).

    1. Yes Janaka, even it is a costly investment most organizations have embraced the notion of employees training as good competitive advantage that will enhance higher productivity. Employees’ training becomes part of an overall effort to achieve cost effectiveness and organization productivity. Hence, organizations need to understand training programs that would enhance employee satisfaction and improve productivity (Abomeh, O & Peace, N 2015).

  3. There are many advantages of eLearning and online training programs that are relevant to every industry, business and employee around the world.

    1. Convenient and flexible access
    2. Easy on the budget
    3. Serves different learning styles
    4. Self-driven and self-paced
    5. Measurable results and reporting
    6. Digital record keeping and administration
    7. Aligned to 21st-century business
    8. Interactivity and gamification
    9. Accessible support from experts
    10. Collaboration and community building
    11. Immediate feedback and recognition
    12. Widespread connection and standardization

  4. There are some to add to your post that there are several disadvantages in training employees, major fact as you highlighted is it takes time form daily operations. If the trainer from inside the organization it will more affective. Many companies only devote a small amount of time to training new employees, and it could result in the employees not knowing everything they need to know to be successful. The trainer may have to rush through the important parts of the job and skip over some of the other tasks that also need to be understood by the employee (Luke Arthur 2018).

    1. Yes Isuru, in many online training programs, the employee-learner works through the materials independently, so little is currently known about the individual employee’s personal experience with online training. In addition, another area with negligible date is the online training experience of multiple workers, usually gathered through a focused study of their perceptions. Qualitative research that seeks the opinions and perceptions of the employees-in-training and managers can expand understandings of online training by indicating which elements of online training encourage trainees to persist with the training and which factors discourage or derail them (Hardman, W & Robertson,L 2012).

  5. To increase the productivity and performance of an organization, learning and development act as a invaluable aspect within the organization which allows to uplift the standards of skills and abilities of existing and new staffs (Nda and Fard 2013). Development of the employees will gain benefits for organization in various aspects and it will help to reduce employee turnover as well (Deckop et al. 2006). Also it will help to sustain in ever changing market environment and will gain a competitive advantage among others.

    1. Yes Dimuthu, to enhance the effectiveness of an employee training will be an important function, finally it will lead to improve the process (Salau, O et al, 2014). Training for development has been regarded as the most comprehensive work available to professionals in the field of training and development. The authors focus on training not primarily as a source of new information, but rather for changing behavior for lasting improvement on the job (Lynton & Pareek, 2011).

  6. Agree with your e-learning statement. E learning is most popular training method during this pandemic situation. According to Armstrong (2014) defined as E-learning provides for learning via computer, networked and web-based technology. The process comprises defining the system, encouraging access, advising and assisting individual learners and encouraging and facilitating the creation of learning communities.

    1. Yes Sohan, agree with you, but there are some drawbacks also can be identified on online trainings. Some online courses have been shown to have superior outcomes, particularly if they include additional learning materials and if the course has some hybrid elements. Cost is not the only consideration, as there are also the human-computer interaction factors to be considered, including which of the components of an e-learning training method encourage employees to persist with training. Completion rates for online courses have historically been less than those for face-to-face (Giguère, 2007).

  7. In 1964, Gary Becker noted the important role of on-the-job training
    in Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special
    Reference to Education by observing that:
    Theories of firm behavior, no matter how they differ in other
    respects, almost invariably ignore the effect of the productive pro
    cess itself on worker productivity. This is not to say that no one
    recognizes that productivity is affected by the job itself; but the
    recognition has not been formalized, incorporated into economic
    analysis, and its implications worked out.... Many workers
    increase their productivity by learning new skills and perfecting
    old ones while on the job. Presumably, future productivity can be
    improved only at a cost, for otherwise there would be an unlimited
    demand for training (1964, p. 8).


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