Induction & Training

 Introduction to Induction and Training

Induction and training are another key element of the recruitment and selection process. An economic organization has to provide the necessary condition for new employees in order to make a good impression about the organization and the work environment from the beginning for them to feel wanted (Dragomiroiu et al, 2014). It is essential to develop good habits related to work and to be able to work at the job which he or she was hired (Dragomiroiu et al, 2014).



After selecting a successful candidate to an Organization, Induction & training will be the next step to bring that individual to organizational standard & values. An induction program is commonly used to help new employees understand their jobs within the organization. This process starts from the period where the new employee is taken around the office, factory and also introduces to the facilities/amenities available (Salau, O et al, 2014). Induction training is one of the most common training programs in an organization (Potgieter et al, 2012).

Learning organizational behavior in the first, one and a half year is crucial. What is learned during this period leaves a significant imprint on the behavior of the new employee, the attitude and its relationship to work and on his chances of promotion within the company (Dragomiroiu et al, 2014). However, there is little research to evaluate whether or not the activities of an induction program will lead to the intended outcome of such a program (Potgieter et al, 2012).

Video 1.0 describes that how an employee get on with his new job without a proper induction and with a proper induction. It is very convenient for both parties if a new employee was given a proper induction on the 1st day to new office.

Video 1.0:Induction

Source - (Ashley, 2014)



To enhance the effectiveness of an employee training will be an important function, finally it will lead to improve the process (Salau, O et al, 2014). Training for development has been regarded as the most comprehensive work available to professionals in the field of training and development. The authors focus on training not primarily as a source of new information, but rather for changing behavior for lasting improvement on the job (Lynton & Pareek, 2011). Employees are trained to enhance their knowledge or to learn specific skills related to their current position in the organization. Training makes the employees to produce quality performance and it is a never-ending learning process. It not only helps the employees but helps the organization retain the right skilled people (Vasanthi, S & Basariya, R 2019 ).

Video 2.0 describes the importance of training for the employees and how training will benefit for the employee as well as for the employer eventually. Trained human resources are always a asset for the company.

Video 2.0:Training and Development

Source - (Sandy Joy Javier, 2016)

Training Methods

Training methods has categorized in to two main parts as On the Job Training and Off the Job Training as illustrated in figure 1.0.

Fig1.0:Training Methods

Source - (Surbhi S, 2015)


On the Job Training

On the job training is an important example of an “investment” in human capital. Like any investment, there are initial costs. For on the job training, these costs include the time devoted by the worker and co-workers to learning skills that increase productivity plus the costs of any equipment and material required to teach these skills. Like any investment the returns to these expenditures occur in future periods. (Barron, J et al, 1997). Employees are trained during their everyday working in the actual scenario is called as on the job training method. It is considered a most cost-effective method. On the job training is a method for developing the skills of a worker through hands-on experience (Vasanthi, S & Basariya, R 2019).

Methods of On the Job Training

On the job training is provided in different methods. Few of the methods are shown in figure 2.0

Fig 2.0:Methods of on the job training

 Source - (Vasanthi, S & Basariya, R 2019)


Off the Job Training 


Training provided away is called Off the Job Training. Generally, this type of training is followed for the new employees who have zero knowledge on the working environment and do not have skills for the current job (Vasanthi, S & Basariya, R 2019).The differences between the two learning environments inevitably spring from a difference in emphasis of intent and vision. They are to some extent complementary, and to some extent in conflict. The common goal is to produce a competent trades-person (Harris, R et al, 2003).


Methods of Off the Job Training

Methods followed by off the job training is given below in Fig:3.0

Fig 3.0:Methods of off the job training.


Source - (Vasanthi, S & Basariya, R 2019)


Industry Experience 

In the consumer durable industry the training and development of an employee will increase the knowledge of new products and finally it will lead to improve the productivity of the employee towards the company mainly the people who are involved in sales. Off the job training sessions are more on use than on the job training. The company has invested on providing multi media and developing new apps to enhance the quality of the trainings recent past. This change was really helped the company to communicate the matters related to business even in the COVID-19 pandemic situation since there are no face-to- face training sessions were allowed and all the training were carried out  through on-line apps.



Ashley, 2014, <>.

Barron, J, Berger, M and Black, D,1997, On the job training, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Upjohn Institute press.

Dragomiroiu, R, Hurloiu, I and Mihai, G, 2014, Induction Staff Training, 21st International Economic conference.

Harris, R, Simons, M, Willis P and Carden, P, 2003, Exploring complementarity in on- and off-job training for apprenticeships, International Journal of Training and Development. 

Lynton, R & Pareek, U 2011, Training for Development, 3rd Edition.

Potgieter, J & Hendricks, K 2012, A theory evaluation of an induction programme, SA journal of Human Resourse Management.

Salau, O, Falola, H, Akinbode, J 2014, Journal of Business and Management, Vol 16.

Sandy Joy Javier, 2016, <>.

Vasanthi, S & Basariya, R 2019, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Vol 8, 10th Issue.


  1. Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming employees when they first join a company and giving them the basic information they need to settle down quickly and happily and start work. (Armstrong, 2014).

    1. Induction and orientation is effective in equipping employees with the practice and core value of the organization and what is expected of them to do. (Falola et al 2014).

  2. The induction or orientation component of a program is distinct from actual job training. In induction, employees learn the philosophies, values and culture of the organization. Additionally, they complete paperwork and other pre-employment activities. A primary benefit to your business with a comprehensive induction program is that you can build and maintain a solid organizational culture. A strong, positive culture can increase employee morale and teamwork( Kokemuller, 2020).

    Training is the organized way in which organizations provide development and enhance quality of new and existing employees. Training is viewed as a systematic approach of learning and development that improve individual, group and organization (Goldstein& Ford, 2002) in Khawaja & Nadeem (2013).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Agreed Janaka, the induction and orientation programs are an investment to new employees for personal carrier journey as an employee (Fae et al, 2006).

  3. The most important impact of training on employees and organization performance is to improve the quality and quantity of organization’s output, increasing the organization’s profit, protect the organization stability, reduce the risk, reduce the organization cost, improving the organization’s management and establishing the organization as national and international entities ( Barzegar & Shahroz, 2011).

    1. To enhance the effectiveness of an employee training will be an important function, finally it will lead to improve the process (Salau, O et al, 2014). Training makes the employees to produce quality performance and it is a never-ending learning process. It not only helps the employees but helps the organization retain the right skilled people (Vasanthi, S & Basariya, R 2019 ).

  4. In here you have discussed on off the job training, On-the-job Training (OJT) is the most common method of training in which a trainee is placed on a specific job and taught the skills and knowledge necessary to perform it.
    According to tshamriti chand the advantages of OJT are;
    1. Flexible method.
    2. It is a less expensive method.
    3. The trainee is highly motivated and encouraged to learn.
    4. Much arrangement for the training is not required.

  5. Training and retention of quality work help companies to attract the best talent and raise income. It takes time and cash to recruit quality staff. Retention and growth are directly affected by how you train and develop that talent (Herman Aguinis, 2009).

    1. According to Rowden and Conine (2005), the purpose of training is to enhance the satisfaction of employees towards their jobs and satisfied employees contend their customers with enhanced performance. Employees who commit to learn are more satisfied with their jobs and ultimately show more positive performance than others.

  6. Adding to your post on methods of training, now more than ever, e-learning has become popular with work from home becoming the new normal. Organizations use online platforms like , LinkedIn, Lynda and Coursera to provide training programs for their staff (Dutta, 2020).

    1. Agree with you Sonali. E learning is the new trend all over the world due to this pandemic situation. In year 2001, Pollard & Hillage explained, e-learning enhances learning by extending and supplementing face-to-face learning rather than replacing it. It enables learning to take place when it is most needed (just in time as distinct from just in case) and when it is most convenient. Learning can be provided in short segments or bites that focus on specific learning objectives. It is ‘learner-centric’ in that it can be customized to suit an individual’s learning needs – learners can choose different learning objects within an overall package ( pollard & Hillage, 2001).

  7. Interesting reading and adding more to your referance. Salu et al (2014) defined that ,Induction is the logical and the most important step in human resource management process. This process starts from the period where the new employee is taken round the offices, factory, and also introduced to the facilities/amenities available. Induction ensures a new employee is provided with information and assistance when commencing employment with an organization. Clearly outlining what the organization stands for and requires, reducing the risk of regulatory breaches and enabling employees to respond effectively to new responsibilities. Induction as the process of receiving employees when they begin work, introducing them to the company and their colleagues, and informing them of the activities, customs and traditions of the Company. Gilmore & Turner, (2010) states that ,Onboarding does not stop at the completion of paperwork and brief organizational history, as does orientation. Instead, onboarding should include coaching, 360 feedback, mentoring, introduction to the organization and team, managers, and subordinates.

    1. According to Armstrong (2017), induction is important because it reduces the cost and inconvenience of early leavers. Employees are far more likely to resign during the initial months after joining the organization. First impressions are important as is the impact of the first four weeks of employment. Such early resignations cause disruption and create recurrent costs such as the costs of obtaining replacements, induction costs – training and the costs of lower productivity from new starters – and the costs arising from the gaps that occur before a leaver is replaced.

  8. On the gathered data, analysis and available alternatives human resource plans are developed .keeping in mind that plans are acceptable to both top management and employees Some of these plans include employee utilization plan, appraisal plan, training and management development plan and human resource supply plan (Sarkissian, 2007).

  9. An interview should be such that which is suitable for each participant and should consider the Participant's History, including his past experience about work, practical life experiences, education, personal background, prior training, Skills, Interests in special field , Talents, Physical capabilities, Need for supportive services, Aptitudes, Identify Abilities to proposed a proper training accordingly (The Assessment Process, 2010).

    1. Kapoor (2018) says, an interview is a determined exchange of notions, the answering of questions and communication between two or more persons. Normally, an interview is a process of private conversation between people, where questions are asked and answers are obtained. The main purpose of the interviews is to acquire information about qualities, attitudes, prospectus and so forth. In various types of interviews, interviewers examine the behavior and communication abilities of the candidates.

  10. Understanding the phenomenon of training and development of employees requires understanding all changes that occur as a result of learning. Training and development of employees, as a generator of new knowledge, occupies a very important place in the plans of each organization that want to secure long-term stability of its business. If the company wants to keep the positions which it gained and to improve their competitive advantages, it must create new knowledge, instead to rely on keeping existing ones.
    There are many ways to train employees which are more or less successful in daily use in the practice of business organizations worldwide. Some of the most popular methods and forms of training in the workplace are: Individual training; Job rotation; Internship; Mentorship; Practice as a student; Professional practice (Dragomiroiu & Hurloiu , 2014).

    1. Training is the formal process by which a person acquires knowledge, skills, and competencies. Motivation is the direction and intensity of one’s effort, or the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal. Organizations that use training practices, directly or indirectly effect employee motivation as well as commitment to the organization (Meyer & Allen, 1991).

  11. One of the most predominant modes of formal socialization followed in organizations is 'training'. It there- fore, suggests that younger the age of induction and longer the duration of training better will be the internalization of organizational orientations and norms resulting in higher commitment and job satisfaction (Natarajan,2011)

    1. Armstrong (2017), says most new starters other than those on formal training schemes will learn on-the-job, although this may be supplemented with special off-the-job courses to develop particular skills or knowledge. On-the-job training can be haphazard, inefficient and wasteful. A planned, systematic approach is desirable. This can incorporate an assessment of what the new starter needs to learn, the use of designated and trained colleagues to act as guides and mentors, and coaching by team leaders or specially appointed and trained departmental trainers.

  12. An alternative to Induction training is Coaching. Coaching is a partnership in which employees aim to achieve support and advice from a more senior colleague whilst on the job (Rogers, J., 2012). On the job training is also an alternative to induction training and is given to an employee at their workplace while they are doing the job (Collins Dictionary, 2014)

    1. Coaching and mentoring are the important type of training which are considered as the spectrum of ‘talent management’ due to the fact that they either emphasized on the development of special skills that benefit the company as well as the individuals or they assists people develop new process of thinking which facilitate people to conquer obstacles and develop their careers through enhancing relationships with more experienced individuals (CIPD,2014).

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The new employee should be provided with the necessary conditions to gain a better understanding of the organizational and work environment from the outset. It is very important to develop good work-related habits and to be able to work in the job he hired. What is learned during this motivation and training period has a significant impact on the new employee's behavior, work attitude and its relevance, and the chances of getting promotions within the company (Dragomiroiu, al.2014).

    1. Induction is often seen as the systematic process of integrating the new employees to the culture, processes, technology and operations of the organization so as to optimize the effect on business outcomes (Snell, 2006). The principal objective of induction training is to equip the new employees with necessary information and skills so as to cope with the challenges and anxiety that comes in settling into a job or performance (Stainer et al, 1997).

  15. According to the Burack (1985) recruitment sources are closely linked to the organizational
    activities as performance of employees, employee turnover, employee satisfaction, employee
    wishes and the commitment of the organization (Burack, 1980). These recruitment and
    selection process should be done at each and every sector for fulfilling their organizational
    goals (Nartey, 2012).

  16. According to Ghanekar (2011), many organizations develop formal orientation programmes. These might include a tour of the offices or plant, a talk about the history of the organization, and short discussion with a representative of the Personnel Department who will describe the organization’s benefit plans. Other organizations may utilize an informal orientation programme which might include being assigned to another senior employee who will not only introduce the new worker to other workers but show him other things too.


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