Key Stages of Recruitment and Selection Process.

Main stages of recruitment and selection process shown in below given diagram. There are eight main elements which are related to recruitment and selection process.

Figure 1.0: Recruitment and Selection Process

Source - Human Resource Management Practice - 2020


Job Vacancy

A job vacancy can be described as a paid post that is newly created, unoccupied, or about to become vacant, (a) for which the employer is taking active steps and is prepared to take further steps to find a suitable candidate from outside the enterprise concerned and (b) which the employer intends to fill either immediately or within a specific period of time (Eurostat, 2007).

Job Analysis

Job analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the content and the human requirements of jobs, as well as  the context in which jobs are performed. This process is used to determine placement of jobs (Schneider & Konz, 1989).


Attracting Candidates

Candidate attraction refers to the tools and techniques that an employer uses to attract potential applicants to fill the job vacancy (Heneman & Berkley,1999).


Screening Applications

Screening is a process used to determine a job applicant's qualifications and potential job fit for a position to which he/she has applied. The screening process may include a variety of elements such as job screening questions within the employment application (Mehta et al, 2013). 


Interviewing Candidates

A job interview is a process consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired. An interview also allows the candidate to assess the corporate culture and demands of the job (Arvey & Campion, 1982). 


Selecting and Appointing Candidates

The methods for selecting and appointing candidates are different in various organizations. The procedures generally include the steps, such as, the selection of the candidate, verbal communication of his or her appointment, medical completed if appropriate, sending of appointment letters and signing the contract. Selecting and appointing candidates depend upon the urgency of getting the vacancy filled. When job vacancies are to be urgently filled, then selecting and appointing of candidates may take place immediately after the interviews. In some organizations, candidates are appointed on an immediate basis, after their selection and other formalities, such as giving appointment letters or signing the contract (Kapoor, 2018).


Induction & Training

Organization must provide the necessary conditions for the new employee to make a good impression about the organization and the work environment from the beginning, for the new employees to feel wanted it is essential to develop good habits related to work and to be able to work at the job for which he was hired. Learning organizational behavior at the beginning is very important. What is learned during this period leaves a significant imprint on the behavior of the new employee, the attitude and its relationship to work and on his chances of promotion within the company. Many companies perform market orientation organized induction of new employees (Dragomiroiua et al, 2014). 


Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluation is the analysis and assessment of every employee’s results and successes achieved in the organization in a particular period by the managers. In other words, it can be seen as the control of employee’s efficiency and production capacity. The success of the employees in the organization is determined by their personal qualities and talents, desire to accomplish the work, and the ability to activate this desire and the work environment provided (Vural et al, 2012).


Arvey, R & Campion, J 1982, Personnel Psychology, Wiley Online Library.

Dragomiroiua, R, Hurloiua, I & Mihai, G 2014, 21st International Economic Conference.

Eurostat, Job vacancies concepts, definitions and classifications, 2007,viewed 20 Nov 2020, <>.

Heneman, H and Berkley, R 1999, Journal of small business, Blackwell publishing limited.

Kapoor, R 2018, Journal Article on Recruitment and Selection, University of Delhi.

Mehta, R, Pimplikar, R, Singh, A, Varshney, L & Wishweswariah, K 2013, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on extending database.

Schneider, B & Konz, M 1989, Human Resource Management, Wiley Online Library.

Vural, Y, Varderlier, P & Aykir, A 2012, 08th International strategic Management Conference.


  1. Cole (2002) is of the view that when organizations are able to find and employ qualified employees who are consequently able to fit in their roles and are competent, the organization will be able to take advantage of opportunities and take care of threats and competition from its operating environments that other organizations who are constantly battling with building and maintaining their workforce.

    1. Yes Dilini, talented people possess special gifts, abilities and aptitudes which enable them to perform effectively (Armstrong, M 2017). As defined by the CIPD (2007), ‘Talent consists of those individuals who can make a difference to organizational performance, either through their immediate contribution or in the longer term by demonstrating the highest levels of potential.’

  2. In the ( Yassin , 2015) study, he stated that the goals and objectives of the selection
    process lie in the following:
    Gather as much relevant information to analyze the facts.
    Organize and evaluate the information to make the rational choice.
    Assess each candidates in order to choose the best person for the job
    Forecast performance of a candidate on the job and its compatibility with the firm.
    Provide knowledge to applicants so that they can judge whether or not they are ready
    to accept an offer of employment considering the hardships and opportunities.

    1. With constant changes and updates in organizations it is important to pro-actively
      recruit and select employees, as this in turn will lead the business to sustainable
      competitive advantage. Today, organizations are focusing more so on potential
      employees who are flexible, motivational, think positively and are trust worthy and
      confidant. These features are significant as they build a strong working relationship as
      well as promote competitive advantage (Argue, M 2015).

  3. According to Cenzo (2008), There are three types of needs which recruitment arises,
    (a) Planned Needs: These are the needs that arise from the changes in the organization and retirement policy creating vacancy for new jobs.
    (b) Anticipated Needs: These are those movements in personal which an organization can predict by studying trends both in external as well as internal environment.
    (c) Unexpected Needs: These needs arise due to various reasons like deaths, resignations, accidents, illness, relocation.

    1. In recruitment the employer study about the job analysis and job description and according to required category the employer’s recruit people as per requirement. Edwin B flippo defined, “Recruitment as the process of searching for prospective employee and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.”(1) It is an important function of staffing. If employer chosen right people for right job gives them assurance for the success of organization and management is able to achieve its target. It leads to good productivity, morale and goodwill (Balasubramanian, K 2014).

  4. The recruitment process must begin with an analysis of the requirement. The role should be reduced to its basic components. From this, it is possible to create role profiles outlining the purpose of the position (Tallo, 2007).

    1. Yes Malinga, Job analysis is the process of collecting, analyzing and setting out information about the content of jobs in order to provide the basis for a job description and data for recruitment, training, job evaluation and performance management. Job analysis concentrates on what job holders are expected to do (Armstrong, M 2017).

  5. To maintain in HR Process effectively ,Organizations continuously invest substantial amounts of money on Information Systems. If they invest without identifying the current value of support and future limitations, they cannot gain competitive advantage in a rapidly changing business world.(Tansley et al 2001).Adding more ,Wickramarathne (2009 ) states that Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is one Information System in which one should invest intelligently. Most of the large-scale organizations spend large amounts on HRIS, but unfortunately, many of them utilize it just for human resource (HR) administrative purposes rather than for effective and efficient human resource planning. After spending considerable amounts, if HRIS is used only for administrative work, it will not be effective. This study aims to find out the contribution of HRIS in human resource planning throughout recruitment, selection, training and development within the perception of Senior HR Executives developing a conceptual framework and test the hypotheses.

    1. Yes Madura, adding more to your argument that, HRIS is defined as an “integrated system used to gather, store and analyze information regarding an organization’s human resources’ comprising of databases, computer applications, hardware and software necessary to collect, record, store, manage, deliver, present and manipulate data for human resources function”. An HRIS can perform a number of functions from the simple storage and communication of information, to more complex transactions. As technology advances, the range of functions that an HRIS can undertake increases. Actually HRIS is directed towards the HR department itself, but the use of HRIS can provide a number of benefits not only to the HR function, but also line managers, and the wider organization. The use of HRIS has been advocated as an opportunity for human resource professionals to become strategic partners with top management. HRIS allow HR function to become more efficient and to provide better information for decision making (Ertemsir et al, 2012).

  6. Recruitment and selection have several processes to identify suitable person and qualified them for the job, which enables the organization to get the maximum output from each and every individual employee to maximize the performance. The basic method for recruiting employee are to have a interview with him or her and it can be conducted as telephone interview, personal interview, behavioral interview, group or panel interview, video conference interview (Ullah 2010). Identifying the best employee for the best position will provide the organization to maximize the performance and to create the correct work force to meet the challengers in this rapid changing market.

    1. Kapoor (2018) says, An interview is a determined exchange of notions, the answering of questions and communication between two or more persons. Normally, an interview is a process of private conversation between people, where questions are asked and answers are obtained. The main purpose of the interviews is to acquire information about qualities, attitudes, prospectus and so forth. In various types of interviews, interviewers examine the behavior and communication abilities of the candidates.

  7. Recruitment is a most important process organizations consider. To complete the recruitment process organization must carefully looking to the objectives of recruitment. Recruitment process in five recruitment methods an organization can recruit to fill the objectives; Employee referees; Direct applied applicants; Job fairs, college placement office and newspapers (Taggart and Chen ,2003).

    1. Yes Supun, many scholars have come up with many different ideas regarding recruitment. Taylor, M (2018), says an efficient recruitment process is an organization-specific sourcing model that aims to find the right fit for the right job at the right time. It is a step-by-step approach to bringing in talented people who can help the company grow. An all-inclusive recruitment process has five key phases but it may vary from company to company depending on the business vertical, organizational structure, size of the company, nature of operations, existing recruitment workflow and selection process.


  8. Though the process can be time-consuming, a rushed selection could be disastrous for a company, leading to high staff turnover, unproductivity and missed opportunity costs (Mascarenhas, 2011). Therefore, a careful and a conscious screening process is required. The extent to which organizations follow the steps mentioned above in your post, the better chances for cost savings.

    1. Agreed Asitha. Screening is one of the most important elements in recruitment process. Gary, M (2019), says, screening a potential employee is a necessary part of the hiring process. For any given job, you could have hundreds of applications and very little time to review all candidate applications in detail. Pre-employment screening helps you eliminate non-contenders, helps you focus your search, and spend time on the top applicants. A strong, thorough, and effective pre-screening process can save you time, money, and it can help you reduce the odds of making a hiring mistake (Gary, M 2019).

  9. There are many factors that affect recruitment process like organization culture, working hours, facilities, salary, welfare, brand image, good will, location and etc. Selection is the second step in the in the process of man power planning. Selection is the process of choosing the appropriate candidate which matches the candidate skills and the job requirements (Bhattacharyya, 2010)

    1. Recruitment is the process of seeking applicants for positions within a business - on either a general basis or targeted to address particular vacancies. Selection takes the next step, where the employer makes a choice between two or more interested applicants. However, applicants also select their future employer, making decisions as to how further they wish to pursue their original employment enquiry (Torrington et al, 2014).

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  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. According to Srimannarayana (2006), large organizations are continuously developing and standardizing a careful selection process to choose the best possible employees for their organizations and the other hand small organization mostly satisfy them with an ordinary process to select their employees. In fact quite a few small organizations appoint employees for unskilled cadres without putting them into any of the formal steps in the selection process.


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