Introduction to Recruitment & Selection Process.


Recruitment is the process of seeking applicants for positions within a business - on either a general basis or targeted to address particular vacancies. Selection takes the next step, where the employer makes a choice between two or more interested applicants. However, applicants also select their future employer, making decisions as to how further they wish to pursue their original employment enquiry (Torrington et al, 2014). The successful conclusion of both processes is the creation of a legally binding agreement between the employer and employee, setting out the rights, obligations and expectations of both parties (Armstrong, 2006).

On the other hand, people are the most important aspect in any business and management should make every effort to get the right people in the right job at the right time (Divanna & Rogers, 2005). For a company to stay competitive it must recruit, select and retain an efficient and effective team of employees (Taylor, 2002).


Recruitment is about capturing and understanding all activities directed at locating potential employees. This involves ensuring that we understand what needs to be done to attract applications from suitable candidates (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). Recruitment methodologies must be fair and comply with the relevant legal and regulatory frameworks and activities must contribute to corporate goals, reflect organizational brand and values whilst also being efficient and cost effective (Foot & Hook, 2008 ).

Any recruitment process must begin with an analysis of the requirement. The role should be reduced to its basic components such as the nature of the activities, task responsibilities, the knowledge, skills and competences required to carry it out effectively and where it fits within the organization (e.g. level/grade and reporting responsibilities) (Currie, 2006). The requirement can be placed in the wider organizational context, considering how corporate actions such as organizational changes are likely to shape business needs. Developing a detailed understanding of what is driving the requirement for recruitment action will inform subsequent selection decisions (Taylor, 2014).


Selection is one of the most important HR tasks, since it is vital to fill vacant positions with people who are not only suitably skilled for specific jobs but are also flexible, willing and able to cope with change (Leatherbarrow & Fletcher, 2015). The selection processes used must be unbiased and legally compliant and the human resources (HR) department must also look at wider corporate requirements (such as succession planning and future capability needs) (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).


Armstrong,M 2006, A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 10th Edition, Kogan Page Ltd.

Armstrong, M & Taylor, S 2014, Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 13th Edition,  Kogan Page Ltd.

Currie, D. 2006, Introduction to Human Resource Management, A guide to personnel in practice, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Divanna, J & Roggers, J 2005, People – The New Asset on the Balance Sheet, Palgrave Macmillan.

Foot, M & Hook, C 2008, Introducing Human Resource Management, 5th Edition, Harlow Pearson Education Ltd.

Leatherbarrow, C & Fletcher, J 2015, Introduction to Human Resource Management, A Guide to HR in Practice, 3rd Edition, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Taylor, S 2002, The Employee Retention Handbook, TMH Publications.

Taylor, S 2014, Resourcing and Talent Management, 6th Edition, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Torrington, D, Hall, L, Taylor, S & Atkinson, C 2014, Human Resource Management, 9th Edition, Harlow Pearson Education Ltd.


  1. According to Gamage (2014) Recruitment and selection are vital functions of human resource management for any type of business organization. These are terms that refer to the process of attracting and choosing candidates for employment. The quality of the human resource the firm has heavily depends on the effectiveness of these two functions.

    1. Agreed Janaka, In an increasingly global and modern marketplace, recruitment and selection have become an important tool for organizations to achieve their current strategic orientation and ensure that they have the human resources needed for innovation and development in the future (Iles, 2001).

  2. Jovanovic (2004) has pointed out recruitment as a process of attracting a pool of high quality applicants to select the best among them...Jovanovic,Boyan ( 2004),Selection and the evolution of industry,Econometrica ,50(3):649-670

    1. Yes Thusitha, according to Armstrong (2014), recruitment is the way toward finding and attracting the people who meet the organizational needs. Selection is a part of process that helps to identify which candidate be required to job position.

  3. Hi Kanishka, Recruitment is the procedure of identifying, screening, shortlisting and recruiting potential human resources to fill positions within organizations and It is the essential function of human resource management (Radhika, 2018). Recruitment is the process of picking the right person for the right position at the right time. Recruitment should take into account the educational qualifications, experience, abilities and skills of the individuals and It is about attracting, selecting and appointing potential candidates to meet the needs and requirements of the institutions (Radhika, 2018).

    1. Yes Eranga, and adding some more for your point, the recruitment help to find a large number of a qualified candidate for offering job vacancy. It should provide facts so that unsuitable applicants can self-select from the job application. Only qualified applicants should be attracted to a good recruitment process. This dual-purpose will reduce the processing costs of unqualified candidates (Kumar and Gupta, 2014).

  4. Recruitment and selection are two different types of activities. Recruitment refers to the mechanism by which people generate interest in the job. The selection is the final decision of a specific candidate for a particular position. For any organization, the people who are recruiting must have the abilities, talents, and insights you need. In the long run, organizations need employees who are capable of facing challenges and continuing to learn. Therefore, organizations like this have more opportunities to gain a competitive advantage. For long-term approaches, orientation and ability are more important than current command and knowledge(Elern, 2009).

    1. Agreed Dilini. Recruitment is the process of seeking applicants for positions within a business - on either a general basis or targeted to address particular vacancies. Selection takes the next step, where the employer makes a choice between two or more interested applicants. However, applicants also select their future employer, making decisions as to how further they wish to pursue their original employment enquiry (Torrington et al, 2014).

  5. The first step in recruitment the best employees is job analysis. Job analysis allows you to know the job description of the employee , the required skills , the excepted results and the tools needed in the job position . Recruitment and selection is an expert and expensive method which is important process in any organization and it should to be organized and structured to” attract people with ability and potential from a wide pool of talent and enable the selector to predict how a candidate perform on the on the job as accurately as possible” (Elearn, 2008).

    1. Yes Ebrahim, as per Gusdorf (2008), the process of selecting the right person for the right position and at the right time is called recruitment.

  6. Hi Kanishaka, Armenakis and Bernerth (2009) explained that recruitment is the process of attracting a large pool of qualified people for employment. This includes job planning, job descripting job analysis, and human resource planning to raise awareness among others. Selection, on the other hand, is the process by which institutions decide who is allowed to join the organization

    1. Thank you for your views Ranga, Musculo (2015), have mentioned that the recruitment aims to attract human resources needed to develop the adequate activity of the organization and human resource attracted increasing their chances to remain in the organization as long as possible. Furthermore, he stated that, determine current and future recruitment needs in retention to human resource planning and job analysis activities.

  7. Castello (2006), state that recruitment is described as a process which management uses methods and processes to rightfully obtain qualified persons to fill vacant positions. Swanepoel,et al, (2003), defined selection as the process of testing to determine which individuals will best match to a particular jobs by taking into consideration of individual differences such as potentials an applicant could bring on board. Sang (2005), discovered that there is an interconnection between recruitment and selection and business performance of the organization. According to Okoh, (2005), not just that organizational selection practices decide who is hired, the use of the proper selection standards will increase the probability that the right person will be chosen and when the best people are selected for the job, productivity goes up (Osemeke, 2012).

    1. Yes Chamila. For an organization, recruitment, and selection processes are very important, because it is helped to find the most suitable employees for the relevant roles. Recruitment and selection are considered very important operations in HRM (Kapoor, 2018).

  8. Hi Kanishka, Opatha(2010) and Stone(2005).noted that ,HRM is the function within an organization that focuses on the recruitment, management, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization for effective and efficient utilization of human resources to achieve organizational objectives and mostly responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees for obtaining maximum contribution toward the organizational success.
    Considering the Sri Lankan labour force survey (2019)level of education among employed has been increasing over the previous years. However, still considerable part of employment population has grade 05 0r below level of education and also major group shows in grade 6-10 group near to 48%. Further more some students continue their education at other professional institutes, and other follow diplomas and other skill based training, thousands of the students who leave the education system with O/L or A/L qualifications enter our workforce , often without any formal training of skill. Therefore considering the above indications , public and private organizations should pay more attention to their recruitment and selection process.

    1. Yes Madura, there are various views on this subject. It can be defined as any exercise or activity carried on an organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees (Amin at al 2014). Both success and survival of an organization depend on the quality of Human resource available to it and/or use. Therefore, the organization should focus on identifying and attracting the most competitive applicants, which is achieved through a recruitment process effectively (Musculo 2015).


  9. Recruitment is the process of seeking applicants for positions within a business. Selection takes the next step, where the employer makes a choice between two or more interested applicants. The successful conclusion of both processes is the creation of a legally binding agreement between the employer and the employee (Armstrong, 2006).

    1. Agreed with you Malinga. Burack (1980), says recruitment sources are closely linked to the organizational activities as performance of employees, employee turnover, employee satisfaction, employee wishes and the commitment of the organization.

  10. Labor or work force is the key factor of an organization before it creates, operate and maintain in order to achieve the purpose for the organization was setup (Harky 2018). Recruitment defines the process of bewitch individuals on correct time, in required numbers, and with adequate qualifications, and embolden them to find the best place with an organization (Mondy & Noe, 2008). Selection describes the aspect of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best befit for a role or a position and organization (Mondy & Noe, 2008). Identifying and recruiting the correct person to correct position will boost the productivity and will help to create innovative ideas to be used for the betterment of the organization.

    1. Recruiting is more complex today than it has ever been (Marie et al, 2010). Every vacancy is different and there are a number of sourcing options available to attract the right pool of candidates. Some roles will attract a large pool of candidates keens to work with the organization, whereas other roles will be more challenging due to specialists skill shortages. In this case, organization may be looking at developing relationships with potential future candidates (University of Otago,2020).

  11. Vyas (2011) asserted that the current trend is that organizations are looking for methods of reducing the time and effort in the recruitment and selection process. However, Munyon, Summers, Ferris and Gerald (2011) admonished that methods of team staffing should translate to competitive advantages to a firm.

    1. Yes Kalum. The use of e-recruitment methods has advanced so much that in the future, companies will have to have automated resume screening and searching equipment to remain competitive in their respective industries. So spending much time on selecting the right candidate will reduce apparently (Du Plessis & Fredrick, H 2012).

  12. Agree with you. Recruitment and selection is inter connected two different activities .Recruitment is the process of searching prospective candidate to apply for the job posting and engaging the people the organization needs. Selection process starts after the completion of the recruitment process and it is that part of the recruitment process concerned with deciding which applicants or candidates should be appointed to jobs. Recruitment is the first step then after selection and placement comes in the employment process (Rao, 2010)

    1. Yes Sohan, since these two elements are interconnected, organisation performance can be improved from effective recruitment and selection process by reducing labor turnover and providing good employee morale (Odiorne ,1984).

  13. Hi Kanishka, Recruitment and selection process is concerned with identifying, attracting and choosing suitable person to meet organizations human resource requirements. (Anderson, 2001). Ekwoaba et al. (2015) states that majority of the recruitment & selection schemes have inbuilt room for subjectivity and judgement.

    1. Agreed Supun. The selection processes used must be unbiased and legally compliant and the human resources department must also look at wider corporate requirements (such as succession planning and future capability needs) (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).

  14. Most organizations are faced with the need to hire all throughout the financial year, recruiting can literally make or break businesses. It is costly to find employees, screen them, recruit them, keep them on payroll and offer them with benefits (Costello, 2006). If right candidates are not recruited or the recruitment process itself stands ineffective, the cost factor shall only keep rising with no productivity.

    In the absence of a proper selection process in a company, recruiting managers are likely to hire the people they like or candidates who are not fully qualified for the job. Selecting a job candidate is not solely about finding someone for the job but about finding the best fit (Armstrong 2014).

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    2. Agreed Asitha. Recruitment processes aimed at finding the most suitable employees are still being evaluated. Nowadays, proper planning and preparing the recruitment process influences its efficiency. Modern and innovative solutions constantly appearing in the labour market, support the recruitment process by optimization of costs and time of the conducted recruitment activities Grabara et al. (2016).

  15. Employees are one of the most vital resources of any business, and so it is important for organizations to have a systematic recruitment and selection process. Recruitment and selection process is concerned with identifying, attracting and choosing suitable person to meet organizations human resource requirements. (Anderson, 2001).
    The selection of right candidates for the right positions will help the organization to achieve its desired goals and objectives. When selection of the employees takes place, it is vital to ensure that they possess the desired qualifications, skills and abilities that are required to perform the job duties in a well-organized manner (Radhika, 2018).

    1. To enhance the effectiveness of an employee training will be an important function, finally it will lead to improve the process (Salau, O et al, 2014). Training makes the employees to produce quality performance and it is a never-ending learning process. It not only helps the employees but helps the organization retain the right skilled people (Vasanthi, S & Basariya, R 2019 ).

  16. While managers’ embeddedness in local communities can provide recruitment-related benefits (Horak 2016; Jones and Stout 2015), the norms and obligations of these communities typically exert considerable pressure on recruiting managers to diverge from professional standards and engage in various forms of favouritism (Begley et al. 2010; Chen et al. 2015).

    1. Any recruitment process must begin with an analysis of the requirement. The role should be reduced to its basic components such as the nature of the activities, task responsibilities, the knowledge, skills and competences required to carry it out effectively and where it fits within the organization (e.g. level/grade and reporting responsibilities) (Currie, 2006).

  17. Recruitment and selection play an important role in ensuring employee performance and positive organizational outcomes. This allows organizations to obtain employees who already have the relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes and make accurate forecast about their future abilities (Adu-Darkoh,M.2014).

    1. Employees are one of the most vital resources of any business, and so it is important for organizations to have a systematic recruitment and selection process. Recruitment and selection process is concerned with identifying, attracting and choosing suitable person to meet organizations human resource requirements. (Anderson, 2001).

  18. According to Durai (2010), selection of managerial personnel is somehow different from the selection of clerks and other routine employees. The selection of managerial personnel must be made very carefully because they are the persons who shape the future of the enterprise and the success of an enterprise depends upon their ability and efficiency.


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